Early this month, legendary Italian fashion designer Valentino Garavani launched the first ever virtual museum at New York City’s Museum of Modern Art with partner Giancarlo Giammetti. The presentation was streamed live on Youtube, and hosted by Valentino as well as actress Anne Hatheway as well as Hugh Jackman, editor-in-chief of Italian Vogue Franca Sozzani and Google Art Project's creator Amid Sood.
This project took two years to create. The museum is 10,000 square metres (if it was to exist in the physical world) and includes 7 galleries that features different aspects of Valentino's career and creations. The museum also displays over 5,000 images of dresses, illustrations, video and photographs, and runway show clips.
For a quick preview check out the youtube clip below and for the full experience you can download the museum, click here.
This project took two years to create. The museum is 10,000 square metres (if it was to exist in the physical world) and includes 7 galleries that features different aspects of Valentino's career and creations. The museum also displays over 5,000 images of dresses, illustrations, video and photographs, and runway show clips.
For a quick preview check out the youtube clip below and for the full experience you can download the museum, click here.